love your life by thinking and thanking

(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)

School                           : SMK Pancasila 9 Giriwoyo
Subject                          : English
Department                   : TKR
Grade / Semester          : XI / 3
Time allotment              : 8 x 45 minutes
Meeting                         : 10, 11, 12

Standard of Competency  : Communicating English at Elementary Level
Basic Competency             : 2.2 Taking a note of simple messages either in direct interaction or using media.
·     Telephone call messages are written correctly. 
·     Messages received dirrectly are written correctly. 

A.      Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Express and respond the expressions of telephone handling.
2. Taking a note of simple messages received by telephone.
3. Taking a note of simple messages based on direct communication.
4. Compose sentences using Adjactive Clause correctly.
5. Wite sentences using Personal Pronun correctly.

B.       Teaching Materials
1.      Expressions dealing with telephone conversations
-     Who is speaking, please?
-     Sorry, the line is engaged
-     Ok, I’ll put you through
-     Hold on, please.
-     One moment, please
2.      Reported speech
-     He said that you had to pay for the tickets
-     He asked you to pay for the tickets.
-     He wanted to know if you would be available in the afternoon.
-     He wanted to know where you put his umbrella.

3.      Adjective Clause
e.g. Do you know the staff who will be promoted our new division manager?
4.      Personal pronouns
Possessive adjective
Possessive pronoun
Reflexive pronoun

C.      Methods of Instruction
1.  Question and answer
2.  Role play
3.  Discussion
4.  Lecturing

D.      Teaching Scenario
1.    Meeting 10
a.    Pre-teaching:
1)   Salutation
2)   Checking student’s attendance
3)   Apperception
§ Reviewing the previous study
§ Stating the topic and objective of the meeting
4)   Orientation
5)   Motivation
b.    Whilst-teaching:
1)   Exploration
a)    Students read a dialogue containing telephone conversation.
b)   Students are introduced to words and expressions used in telephone conversation.
c)    Students are invited to identify the expressions when making a phone call or receiving a phone call 
d)   Students are introduced to the structure of reported speech.
2)   Elaboration
a)    Students are requested to make a group consists of ten students each.
b)   Each group is requested to write a dialogue (telephone conversation)
c)    A student represents his group reading the dialogue.
d)   Other groups write the messages contained in the conversation

3)   Confirmation
a)    Students are requested to compose their own reported speech
b)   Teacher gives comment and correction
c.    Post-teaching
1)   Teacher concludes the meeting
2)   Teacher opens a question-answer session
3)   Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

2.    Meeting 11
a.    Pre-teaching:
1)   Salutation
2)   Checking student’s attendance
3)   Apperception
§ Reviewing the previous study
§ Stating the topic and objective of the meeting
4)   Orientation
5)   Motivation
b.    Whilst-teaching:
1)   Exploration
a)    Students are introduced to Personal Pronoun
b)   Students are requested to read a text containing personal pronoun.
c)    Students are invited to recognize any personal pronoun in the text given. 
2)   Elaboration
a)    Students are requested to compose sentences using personal pronoun.
b)   A student is choosen randomly to write his sentence on the white board.
3)   Confirmation
a)    Teacher examines the structure of the sentence written by the students.
b)   Teacher gives comment, correction and score
c.    Post-teaching
1)   Teacher concludes the meeting
2)   Teacher opens a question-answer session
3)   Teacher gives a homework
4)   Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

3.    Meeting 12
a.    Pre-teaching:
1)   Salutation
2)   Checking student’s attendance

3)   Apperception
§ Reviewing the previous study
§ Stating the topic and objective of the meeting
4)   Orientation
5)   Motivation
b.    Whilst-teaching:
1)   Exploration
a)    Students are introduced to the construction of Adjective Clause
b)   Students are requested to read a text containing Adjective Clause structure.
c)    Students are invited to recognize any Adjective Clause in the text given. 
2)   Elaboration
a)    Students are requested to compose sentences using Adjective Clause structure.
b)   A student is choosen randomly to write his sentence on the white board.
3)   Confirmation
a)    Teacher examines the structure of the sentence written by the students.
b)   Teacher gives comment, correction and score
c.    Post-teaching
1)   Teacher concludes the meeting
2)   Teacher opens a question-answer session
3)   Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

E.       Required Books and Media
1.  Media: board marker, white board.
2.  Books:
• Effective Communication (Elementary Level)
• The Universe of English (book 2)

F.       Evaluation
Task 1
In pairs, make a short conversation about handling a telephone in the following situation.
a.       You make a call with the receptionist, that you want to book a room in the hotel.
b.      The receptionist offers you to choose the room you want.
c.       There are single rooms and double rooms.

Task 2
Change the folowing direct sentences into indirect sentences.
a.       Susi said,”My friend want to invite you to the party.”
b.      Dony says to us,”I can’t do the jobs with you.”
c.       He said to him,”You didn’t call me last night.”
d.      She said,”I wish I passed my examination.”
e.       He said,”I was studying when the lamp went out.”

Task 3
Change the following questions to be reported speech.
1.      ”Don’t you like what I have given you?”
      She asked me if........................................
2.      ”Are you going to check the work tomorrow?”
      He asked him if........................................
3.      ”Can you tell me what time the meeting will be started?”
      He asked me if.........................................
4.      ”Shall we reach the top of the hill in time?”
      They wondered if....................................
5.      “Do you think I am liying?”
      He asked her whether..............................  

 Task 4
Choose the statements provided to suit the blank spaces in the following dialogue.
Receptionist : Receptionist. (1)__________
Caller            : Sure. My name is Hendrik.
Receptionist : Certainly, Sir.
Caller            : (3) __________
                       Ask him to phone this evening
Receptionist : (4) __________
Caller            : 749708
Receptionist : Thank you, Sir.
a.    Your phone number, please.
b.    Can I help you?
c.    Can you give a message to Mr.Andreas?
d.   Tell him everything is all right.
e.    Could you help me, please?

Task 5
Change the pronouns in the brackets in the right form!
1.    Toni and (my) will give the reason why (our) are angry with him.
2.    Don’t forget to call (I) brother and (I) at 5 o’clock p.m.!
3.    Rina asks (my),”Why don’t (your) tell (we) about (they) problems”
4.    He said that all of (we) would be successful.
5.    The teacher will ask (I) and you to buy some beverage.

Answers and Scoring :
Task 1
The answers will be scored based on the following criteria:
§ Grammar and diction correct                    score: 10
§ Grammar correct, diction incorrect           score: 5-10
§ Grammar incorrect, diction correct           score: 5-10
§ Grammar and diction incorrect                 score: 1
Maximal score: 10

Task 2
a.       Susi said that her friend wanted to invite me to the party.
b.      Dony said that he couldn’t do the jobs with us
c.       He said that someone had not called him the previous night.
d.      She said that she wished she had passed her examination.
e.       He said that he had been studying when the lamp had gone out.
Score: Correct answer X 2
Maximal score: 10

Task 3
1.    She asked me if I liked what she had given to me            
2.    He asked him if I was going to check the work tomorrow           
3.    He asked me if I could tell him what time the meeting would be started
4.    They wondered if they would reach the top of the hill in time    
5.    He asked her whether he was liying            
Score: Correct answer X 2
Maximal score: 10

Task 4
1.    b
2.    c
3.    d
4.    a
Score: Correct answer X 2
Maximal score: 10

Task 5
1.    me – we
2.    my – me
3.    me – you – us – their

4.    us
5.    me
Score: Correct answer X 2
Maximal score: 10

Final score = 2 x  (task 1 + task 2 + task 3 + task 4 + task 5)
            Maximal score = 100

Giriwoyo, Juli 2016
Acknowledged by,
The Principal of SMK Pancasila 9 Giriwoyo                             English Teacher,

Herman Sudarwanto,S.Pd. MMA                                       Imam Haris Rifai, S.Pd
NIP. -                                                                                       NIP. -


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