KD 2.7/XI/3

love your life by thinking and thanking
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)

School                           : SMK Pancasila 9 Giriwoyo
Subject                          : English
Department                   : TKR
Grade / Semester          : XI / 4
Time allotment              : 4 x 45 minutes
Meeting                         : 39, 40

Standard of Competency  : Communicating English at Elementary Level
Basic Competency             : 2.7 Making short messages, direction and list using a receive diction, spelling and grammar.
Indicators                      :
     ·    Short messages, direction and list are compossed using a correct diction.
     ·    The conclusion of a conversation is written in the form of short messages, direction and list.

A.  Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1.    Composing short messages, direction and list using a correct diction.
2.    Writing short messages, direction and list based on the conclusion of a conversation.

B.  Teaching Materials:
Ä  Short massage
* Samples of short messages, directory, and lists.
* Content, punctuation, and spelling.
Ä   The passiveand active  voice
When we say that people and things “do”, we use active verb forms
When we say what happens to people and things – what is done to them
Dani writes an application letter
Dani is writing an application letter
Dani wrote an application letter
Dani has writen an application letter
Dani had writen an application letter
Dani will write an application letter
Dani was writing an application letter

An application letter is written (by Dani)
An application letter is being written (by Dani)
An application letter was written (by Dani)
An application letter has been written (by Dani)
An application letter had been written (by Dani)
An application letter will be written (by Dani)
An application letter is going to be written (by Dani)

C.  Methods of Instruction:
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) consists of Inquiry, Questioning, Constructivism, Learning Community, Authentic Assesment, Modelling and Reflection.

D.  Teaching Scenario:
1.    Meeting 39
a.    Pre-teaching:
1)   Salutation
2)   Checking student’s attendance
3)   Apperception
§ Reviewing the previous study
§ Stating the topic and objective of the meeting
4)   Orientation
5)   Motivation
b.    Whilst-teaching:
1)   Exploration
a)   Teacher delivers an example of short message
b)  Students are introduced to the function of short message
c)   Students are introduced to the composition of short message
2)   Elaboration
a)   Students are directed toward drawing conclusion of a conversation
b)  Students are requested to work in-group converting the conclusion into a short message.
3)   Confirmation
a)    Students are invited to read a dialogue.
b)   Students are requested to draw a conclusion based on the dialogue.
c)    Students are requested to work individually converting the conclusion into a short message.
c.    Post-teaching
1)   Teacher concludes the meeting
2)   Teacher opens a question-answer session
3)   Teacher gives some home works
4)   Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

2.    Meeting 40
a.    Pre-teaching:
1)   Salutation
2)   Checking student’s attendance
3)   Apperception
§ Reviewing the previous study
§ Stating the topic and objective of the meeting

4)   Orientation
5)   Motivation
b.    Whilst-teaching:
1)   Exploration
a)   Teacher delivers an example of Active/ Passive Voice
b)  Students are introduced to the function of Active/ Passive Voice
c)   Students are introduced to the composition of Active/ Passive Voice
2)   Elaboration
a)   Students are invited to do exercise composing their own Active/ Passive sentences  
b)  Some students are choosen randomly to write their sentences on the white board.
3)   Confirmation
a)    Teacher provides incomplete active/ passive sentences.
b)   Students are requested to change active voice into passive voice.  
c.    Post-teaching
1)   Teacher concludes the meeting
2)   Teacher opens a question-answer session
3)   Teacher gives some home works
4)   Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

E.  Required Books and Media
1.    Media: board marker, white board.
2.    Books:
                       ·   Effective Communication (Elementary Level)
                       ·   The Universe of English (book 2)

F.   Evaluation
1. Oral test
Expressing messages orally
2. Written test
a.       Compossing messages derived from a conversation
b.      Compossing Active/ Passive sentences
Giriwoyo, Juli 2016
Acknowledged by,
The Principal of SMK Pancasila 9 Giriwoyo                             English Teacher,

Herman Sudarwanto,S.Pd. MMA                                       Imam Haris Rifai, S.Pd
NIP. -                                                                                       NIP. -


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